A Different Tune
The next book of the Man Flu Series is well under way.
When I first imagined the series, as I said in a previous post, I had a number of different story shapes in mind. I wanted the transformation mechanism to accommodate variety. This particular story will unfold in a slightly different way to The Wildest Pitch.
Some elements are the same. The main character is still in the entertainment industry, although Harmon is a musician rather than a sportscaster. There is still an element of popularity and publicity. However, I wanted there to be a new twist, a new aspect to the story, that shows some of the potential of the initial design.
The question I asked myself this time is "what if a number of people caught GV from the same spreader?" Naturally they would all take on aspects of that spreader's appearance. They'd all start to look the same, or very similar. What would that be like?
That's where I'm going now. Reverse Harmony is a story about a garage band with medium success that is hoping to make it big, but their career plans are potentially derailed because the entire band contracts GV from sharing microphones during a show.
Where it goes and how it ends up, you might be able to guess, but I hope the stops along the road trip are well worth the visit. It's autumn, after all, and the leaves are changing.
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